Thursday, March 24, 2016

EGR 150-06 Team Consensus

Here is the Team Consensus for my EGR 150-06 team. This is a basic concept of I think the final project should be.

These are the questions that Dr. Harris posed:

  1. What questions do you ask? (Think of IDEO)
  2. Where do you get the answers you seek?
    • internet
    • books
    • interview
  3. What are the engineering skills you have to be successful?
  4. What are the engineering skills you lack to be successful?
  5. What is the solution trying to accomplish?
  6. What are the criteria that will be judged? (think safety in the IDEO video)
  7. What other questions are there?

Dr. Harris references a company called IDEO, they are a design company that tries to innovate while creating unique designs and solutions. There are some intriguing videos about IDEO that are worth watching.

Here is my consensus:

EGR 150-06 Final Team Consensus
Project: “Tweetable Coffee Pot”
  • What is the main goal?
    • To create a Twitter activated coffee pot
  • What questions will your team ask? 
    • How will we interface the arduino with the internet?
    • What electrical components will we need?
    • What will the layout be?
    • How will the 3D printer, laser cutter, and vinyl cutter be incorporated into this project?
  • Where will your team get the answers it seeks?
    • The main source of information will be the internet. We will use websites like Instructables and use citations when needed.
    • This article will provide much of the needed information 
    • Magazines may also be used.
    • We will also talk to the TAs in the FabLab for advice.
  • What engineering skills does your team have to be successful?
    • Basic circuit layout and building
    • Basic 3D design and layout
    • Creativity
    • Time mangement
  • What engineering skills does your team lack to be successful?
    • Programing skills with Python and C++
    • Fabrication
  • What are the criteria that will be judged?
    • How was the 3D printed part, vinyl cut part, and laser cut part incorporated?
    • What was the moving part?
    • Team work
    • Presentation of the project
    • Performance of the final product
    • Incorporation of the Arduino board
  • What other questions are there?
    • How much money will be spent?
    • Where will the resources come from?

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