About Myself

About Myself:

  • My name is Eric Swepston and I live in the beautiful city Charlotte, NC. This blog is mainly about my Engineering class, EGR 150-04

  • I have lived in Charlotte for all of my life and have no desire to move. I participated in the Boy Scouts of America for ten years and earned the rank of Eagle Scout along with six palms. Some of my pass time activities are reading, wood working, camping and hiking, amateur metal working, and learning new skills.

  • I am currently attending Central Piedmont Community College. I am working on some basic Engineering credits, DFT 170, EGR 150, and basic math along with some miscellaneous credits.

  • My long term goal is to transfer to NC State and earn a Biomedical Engineering degree. However, this goal is still a few years out.

  • If you wish to contact me, drop a comment and I will respond in a timely manner
As of: 1-26-16

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